See The 2024 Oregon Tax Incentives for Solar

Logo for Pure Energy of Oregon

Pure Energy Group

Providing Solar Energy Solutions for Oregon

Alternative Energy Solutions

That Saves You Money

We’re an Oregon based solar energy company that specializes in helping residential, commercial and agricultural customers discover their energy savings. Our friendly and experienced technicians work hard to find the best solar panel or alternative energy equipment at the best prices for your needs. 

Find Us In The Community

Pure Energy is committed to supporting our local communities. 

The Benefits of Going Solar

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Offset Rising Electric Bills

You rent your electricity every month, why not fix that monthly expense and make your budget more resilient to weather the future economical storms?
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Environmentally Friendly

Solar is a clean source of energy. The Photons would hit your roof anyway, why not harvest them?
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Add Equity To Property

Properties without an electric bill with high quality, long lasting solar panels will be assessed and sold for substantially more.
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Our Solar Service Specialties


Adding solar to your home can be one of the smartest investments you can make. Not only can you save money by cutting your power bill, but our specialist work hard to find you the most cost effective, long-term solar equipment needed to turn your home into a sustainable one.


Businesses, schools and public organizations are turning to solar in a commitment to using clean sustainable energy. Pure Energy works closely with your organization to make sure that your setup and equipment make sense financially with continued support.


A growing number of farm and agricultural businesses are quickly turning to solar energy to power their operation while leveraging the strong tax incentives.  Our knowledgeable and local professionals meet with you to find the right solar fit for your farm.

pure energy employees installing solar panels on roof

Serving The Willamette Valley and all of Oregon with Integrity

Pure Energy started as a grass-roots movement to bring better service back to the solar industry. Larger operations routinely miss the most important elements to projects, but we’re fixing that.

  • Discover the right equipment based on your location, needs and budget for long-term value.
  • Thorough planning and execution of solar equipment installs, so you can be confident things are done right.
  • Peace of mind with routine maintenance and support so your equipment lasts it’s full lifespan.

What Oregon Thinks of Pure Energy Group

What You Can Expect From Us

No Obligations, Accurate Estimates

Your Free Consultation

Whether you’d like an at-home full consultation or just have questions over the phone, we’re happy to get all your questions answered before you make a decision.

No Obligations, Accurate Estimates

Avoid Mistakes & Hidden Costs

Proposal & Design Your Perfect System

After delivering a full project proposal and acceptance, our experienced team works closely with you to uncover the best equipment so you feel confident in the end results.

Avoid Mistakes & Hidden Costs

Done by Experienced Local Experts

Expert Installation

Feel confident with Pure Energy. We’re an Oregon grown company prides itself on installations that don’t cut corners. We pull permits, map out install, pass inspections.

Done by Experienced Local Experts

Time to enjoy the benefits of solar

Sit Back & Save Money

Smile big, because installing solar increases the value of your property, saves an average lifetime of $55,000 on electricity, and saves our planet.

Time to enjoy the benefits of solar

Ready To Explore Solar?

Let’s have a no obligation conversation about solar, here is what we need.

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